Know your electricity bill

Invoice 2.0TD
It is the most common choice for homes, small businesses, offices and other places with moderate electricity consumption. Designed for low-voltage supply points with a contracted power of up to 15 kW, this tariff provides a balance between energy access and reasonable costs.

Invoice 3.0TD
It is specifically designed for low voltage supply points with a contracted power of more than 15 kW, mainly aimed at small and medium-sized companies. The pricing is divided into 4 seasons throughout the year, with variations depending on the geographical area. This means that the cost of your electricity bill will vary according to the time of day, the month and the location of your supply point.
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Did you know that?
No, the change of supplier does not imply at any time the cut-off of your supply. It is only an administrative change, the only thing that will change is that, from the next meter reading, the next bill will be with Feníe Energía instead of your previous supplier.
At Feníe Energía we invoice once we receive the consumption information from the distribution company in your area, which reads your meter. Therefore, the frequency with which you receive your bill will be the same as the frequency with which Feníe Energía receives the readings.
In accordance with RD 1110/2007, it is foreseen that by 31/12/2018 all supplies of less than 15 kW will be remotely managed and therefore billed monthly.
In the meantime, and for tariffs of less than 15 kW contracted:
- If the remote management meter has already been installed and is effectively integrated into the network, you will receive monthly bills (both circumstances must be present at the same time).
- Otherwise, you are likely to receive invoices every two months.
For supplies of more than 15kW contracted, billing is on a monthly basis..
Taking meter readings is the exclusive responsibility of the Distribution Company in the area of the supply point (RD 1718/2012). If the meter is not accessible to it (inside the house, room without access, key, gate, access to common areas of the building, etc., or any other barrier or circumstance, temporary or permanent, that prevents the correct taking of readings), it will be the customer himself who must provide the readings periodically to the area distribution company so that the supplier (us) is informed of the correct consumption to be billed.
Below you will find the telephone numbers of the most common distributors in the most common areas, so that you can contact the distributor if you need to:
IBERDROLA: 900 171 171
UNIÓN FENOSA: 901 34 34 34
ENDESA: 902 509 600
VIESGO: 900 101 051
EDP: 900 907 000
If you do not know what your area distributor is, it appears on your Feníe Energía bill in the upper right-hand corner of the customer details section.
No contract with Feníe Energía is subject to permanence commitments or penalties of any kind if the time established in the contract is not fulfilled. Our policy is to be transparent in our processes, trying to strengthen the loyalty of our customers through personalised and close treatment. This necessarily involves not tying our clients down, contracting freely so that they can check it, without any kind of restrictions.
In the client area (, you will be able to carry out procedures such as changing your bank account, contact email address, address for sending bills, among others. To change the ownership of the contract, or any procedure that involves any change in the installation, you should contact your energy agent, in order to provide you with the form to be completed and signed.
The first thing to do would be to carry out the reset procedure, which consists of lowering all the circuit breaker protections or PIA (small automatic switch), wait a couple of minutes and go up from left to right, waiting a couple of seconds between each circuit breaker. If the power is still off, the next thing to do is to try to find out if there are other supplies affected (if it is at night, look out to see if there is light in the street or neighbouring houses), or go outside and ask the other neighbours. In the event of a general blackout, you can choose to call the free telephone number of the area distributor directly (which is shown on our bills), or call our 24-hour service so that we can take care of the problem. If you choose the second option, we will call you back to inform you of the expected time for the normal restoration of service. If you are the only one affected, it is very possible that it is a private fault, in which case, you should contact a private electrician (your local energy agent is one, and will be able to help you as a matter of priority), to detect the source of the problem.
At the time of contracting, you can decide how your bills will be sent: traditional (ordinary post) or electronic (sent by email). Currently, and for tariffs with less than 10 kW, we have a product with which you can benefit from approximately 5% savings on the variable term with respect to the base price, by signing the contract electronically with the method of sending bills by email. In any case, we recommend signing up for an electronic bill as it is quicker to receive and helps to reduce paper consumption and protect the environment.
The possible payment of any type of penalty/compensation to the outgoing supplier will depend on the contract signed at the time with the outgoing supplier, if there is any type of clause in this regard. The process of changing supplier at Feníe Energía only involves changing the customer's electricity supply, and does not consider whether the customer has any contingency of this type, or if they have any other type of contracted service that they may continue to be billed for, despite the fact that they have switched to our company.
The registration costs for a new supply (we will also have them if we decide to increase power) are established in the RD 1048/2013 regulation, and therefore do not depend on the supplier with which the contract is signed. In principle, we will have 4 concepts: Extension Rights (Amount = 17.374714€ x nº kW contracted), Access Rights (Amount = 19.7033137€ x nº kW contracted, Connection Rights (single cost 9.04€) and Distributor's Deposit (variable amount, depending on the customer's expected annual consumption), these amounts are for low voltage and the proportional part of VAT must be applied to them.
There is a service for dealing with complaints regarding the contracted service, which the Customer can channel either through their installation agent or through the following Feníe Energía channels: - You can submit your application via the website by filling in a form. - Mailing address: - Complaints helpline, available every day of the year, 24 hours a day: 900 21 54 70. - Fax: 91 631 33 15 - By letter addressed to the Complaints Department, C/Jacinto Benavente 2B Ground Floor (Tripark Business Center), 28.232, Las Rozas de Madrid.
Feníe Energía, S.A. undertakes to reply to all claims within a period of no more than one month from the date the claim is submitted. The purpose of this reply is to inform the Customer of the actions that have been taken or are going to be taken to resolve the incident that is the subject of the complaint. The reply does not necessarily imply the solution of the incident, as on many occasions it may require actions that take longer than the time set for the reply.
However, when a claim submitted directly by the Customer has not been resolved, the Customer may submit its claim to the alternative consumer dispute resolution entities established in accordance with the applicable regulations - such as the Consumer Arbitration Boards in the Autonomous Communities -, or use the online dispute resolution platform created by the European Commission, without prejudice to Feníe Energía's right to accept or reject said procedure. In the event that claims are not submitted to the aforementioned entities or that these are not competent, the Customer may submit the dispute to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, when such disputes refer to their specific rights as end users, including all those provided for in Law 24/2013 and without prejudice to the powers of the other Public Administrations. Likewise, the Client may exercise the legal actions it deems appropriate, with the Courts and Tribunals of the place where the supply is made having jurisdiction.