Advantages of the electric vehicle  

Recarga de vehículos eléctricos

Mobility aids, free parking or charging, alternative routes or free access to toll motorways.

Puntos de Recarga Canarias

Reducing dependence on fossil fuels

ehículo eléctrico Tenerife

More economical maintenance

Recharging infrastructure


We will advise you on the purchase and install the charging point in your home.
instalación puntos de recarga Tenerife

Installation in accordance with regulations

(ITC) - BT - 52

puntos de recarga Tenerife

Personalised study for each client

Taking into account the specific needs of each recharging point

asesorar puntos de recarga Tenerife

Advice from an expert installer

Formed by Feníe energía

financiación puntos de recarga Tenerife


up to 24 instalments

Companies and municipalities

We can help you choose and set up the ideal recharging point for your company.
Energía de recarga Tenerife

If you are interested in commercialising the energy from your recharging points

We help you as your freight forwarder

Punto de recarga Canarias

Personalised study for each client

Taking into account the specific needs of each recharging point 

Puestos de recarga Canarias

Our recharging stations are adapted to

To all types of electric vehicles on the market 

puntos de recarga online

Online platform

to manage, reserve and keep track of the different recharging points.

What is a load manager?

The system load manager is a commercial energy recharging services company, which, as a consumer, is authorised to resell electricity for energy recharging services for electric vehicles.

As charge managers, we take care of everything related to the installation, maintenance, customer management and billing of recharging points that need these requirements. Our comprehensive charge management service allows:

 Have access to Feníe Energía's entire network of recharging points.

 Know your consumption at the different recharging points where you have connected your vehicle.

 Reserve a recharging point so that you can find it available when you arrive.

 Know the status of each recharging point (occupied, free...).

 24-hour customer service in case of queries or incidents.

Recarga de vehículos eléctricos

Still thinking about it?

Do you know how much you would save with an electric vehicle per year? Join electric mobility!

​​Contact Us

Punto de recarga Tenerife

Want to know where to charge your electric vehicle?

You can do this through the website of Feníe Energía where you can:

 Booking and charging at a recharging point

 View the status of the point (booked, free, occupied...)

Locate the nearest

 Create favourites

 Know your recharge history

Or from its app available for Apple and Android:


Did you know that?

We have been selected to be the company that manages the installation of recharging points in the ‘Car with electric charger’ campaign, in which the installation of the recharging point is included in the price of the car.

Many electric vehicle users question the need to install a charging point when they purchase their electric vehicle. First of all, we recommend installing a charging point for safety reasons, both to protect your car and yourself against possible faults in the line. On the other hand, a charging point is necessary to comply with the current regulations for low voltage electrical installations. In addition, if you want to charge your vehicle in less than 10 hours, you will need a specific connector for electric vehicles. 

At Feníe Energía we offer you personalised advice to recommend the best charging solution depending on your electric vehicle, its location and charging times, and we will also advise you on the most suitable electricity tariff!

The charging time of vehicle batteries depends primarily on two factors: battery capacity and charging power.

For a vehicle with a range of approximately 150 km, the charging times are as follows:

The cost of recharging will depend on the tariff contracted with the electricity company, the capacity of the battery as well as the power used for recharging.

If you use a charging point connected to the consumption of your home and you have contracted a 2.0 DHS or supervalle tariff with Feníe Energía, the price for around 100 km is 1.12 €.

0.065070€/kWh (FE energy price in off-peak tariff (2.0DHS))* 17.3kWh/100km (consumption of a Nissan Leaf)

If, on the other hand, you charge at public car parks in the city, it will depend on whether the charging point is managed by a charging manager and the tariffs they have. The price is usually considerably higher than charging at home.

Aids are published on a recurring basis, promoting the continuity of the plans that the Government has been promoting in recent years to encourage more sustainable transport, while at the same time reinforcing support for the development of electric recharging infrastructures.

From Feníe Energía we publish in the News section, both the latest news and all the grants or subsidies for mobility that are published.

7. How can I tell that a vehicle is electric?

It is easy to distinguish an electric vehicle, although they often go unnoticed among us. First of all, they drive quietly. In addition, they do not have tailpipes as they are totally clean. And, in case there is still any doubt, the DGT identifies ‘local zero emission’ vehicles with a distinctive sign: